Youth with disabilities forum

Forum mladih sa invaliditetom | Youth with disabilities forum

Fourth Sustainability Talks: Focus on Inclusive Employment and Support for the Employment of Persons with Disabilities

The fourth meeting in the “Sustainability Talks” series, dedicated to inclusive employment and support for the employment of people with disabilities, was held on October 7 at the Sava Center. The event brought together representatives from the Business Responsible Forum and the Network of Employers of Persons with Disabilities, aiming to exchange experiences and promote inclusive practices.

The meeting was opened by Tijana Koprivica, the Director of Sustainable Business at Delta Holding, which hosted the gathering.

The main topic of the meeting was inclusive employment, where participants had the opportunity to learn more about the “Most Inclusive Employer 2024” award, presented by Ivana Stančić from Smart Kolektiv. Additionally, Tijana Koprivica shared the experiences of Delta Holding, the recipient of a special recognition in the 2023 competition.

Special attention was given to internship programs for young people with disabilities, presented by Jovana Krivokuća Milovanović, Executive Director of the Youth with Disabilities Forum, emphasizing the importance of providing opportunities for professional development.

Discussions and the exchange of opinions among participants further enriched the event, while informal networking at the end allowed attendees to deepen collaboration and develop new ideas for future projects.

This event, organized by the Business Responsible Forum and the Network of Employers for the Employment of Persons with Disabilities, led by the YDF, represents an important step towards strengthening inclusive practices in business and supporting the employment of persons with disabilities, highlighting the significance of a strategic approach in fostering diversity and equal opportunities in the workplace.

The event was held as part of the “Job Fit: Economic Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities” project, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the Youth with Disabilities Forum, with support from partners such as Caritas Serbia, the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation, Smart Kolektiv, and the Center for Independent Living of Persons with Disabilities in Serbia.

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