Youth with disabilities forum

Forum mladih sa invaliditetom | Youth with disabilities forum

YDF at the Philanthropy Festival in Belgrade

YDF had the honor of participating in the Philanthropy Festival in Belgrade. The National Day of Giving, held on October 9, was marked at two locations: the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Topličin Venac Park.

This seventh National Day of Giving focused on raising awareness about the importance of investing in youth, as research has shown that state and philanthropic investments in this group are very low. YDF actively participated, highlighting goals and projects dedicated to empowering people with disabilities.

During the event, organizations had the opportunity to share their experiences and present projects that contribute to better living conditions for young people. “Certificates of Kindness” were also awarded for all ideas, actions, encouragement, and good deeds. YDF was among the awarded organizations.

To make services accessible to a larger number of people, donations collected at the Festival will be directed toward acquiring adequate equipment for online conferences, including a conference system for medium and large groups with omnidirectional microphones and a camera that allows for easy tracking of speakers. This donation will enable us to create a digital space where users from all parts of the country can receive support, regardless of physical distance. This will significantly increase the inclusion of people with disabilities and contribute to their professional empowerment in an even more effective way.

We thank everyone who directly supported us at the Festival and remind you that you can become our donor through the link:

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