Youth with disabilities forum

Forum mladih sa invaliditetom | Youth with disabilities forum

Introductory Meeting Held Within the R+ Support Program

On October 29, 2024, the Youth with Disabilities Forum (YDF) held an online meeting with representatives from eight organizations focused on supporting people with disabilities. Two organizations from Belgrade, two from Niš, and one each from Novi Sad, Ivanjica, Kragujevac, and Užice participated.

YDF is a participant in the R+ support program aimed at strengthening the sustainability of civil society organizations, implemented by PartnersGlobal within the project ” The Civil Society Resilience Strengthening Activity”.

The program’s goal is to improve the work and provide support to organizations in identifying and addressing both external and internal challenges that hinder their effective operations in the community.

The R+ support program is designed as a cascading model, where YDF simultaneously receives support from donors to improve its own work, while also having the opportunity to support other organizations working with people with disabilities to enhance their organizational functioning.

YDF aims to contribute to building and strengthening the capacities and skills of civil society organizations supporting people with disabilities, focusing on improving financial sustainability and enhancing efficiency through a better understanding of funding sources, as well as sharing information about available funding opportunities.

During the meeting, detailed support plans through the program were presented, including a two-day training on available funding sources. The training will take place at the end of November and will provide insights into different funding sources, as well as an understanding of donor guidelines and requirements. The goal of the training is to empower organizations to approach and utilize available financial resources more effectively.

This activity is part of the project ” The Civil Society Resilience Strengthening Activity ” implemented by PartnersGlobal with financial support from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID/Serbia) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

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