Youth with disabilities forum

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Education program for digital marketing for young people with disabilities

Project name:

Education program for digital marketing for young people with disabilities


Ministry of Tourism and Youth


August - December 2023


The Faculty of Media and Communications

Project Goal: To promote and encourage the employment of young people with disabilities in the field of digital marketing. The project will enable the development of skills among young people with disabilities through training and foster partnerships between the profit and nonprofit sectors through the implementation of mentoring support.

Main Activities:

  1. Training Implementation: Conducting training that connects all components of e-business, information technology, and market communications, enhancing the competencies of young people with disabilities in the job market.
  2. Focused Training Sessions: Organizing training aimed at strengthening companies’ competencies for facilitating mentoring support and employing young people with disabilities.
  3. Mentoring Support Implementation: Providing mentoring support that will directly improve the employability and competitiveness of young people with disabilities in the job market, empower their employment capacities, and offer opportunities for gaining practical experience in digital marketing.

The project will be implemented at the national level.

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