Youth with disabilities forum

Forum mladih sa invaliditetom | Youth with disabilities forum


Job Fit: Economic Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities

Project name:

Job Fit: Economic Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities




August 2022 - July 2026


Karitas Srbije, Fondacija Ana i Vlade Divac, Smart Kolektiv, Centar za samostalni život osoba sa invaliditetom Srbije

Project Goal: Economic empowerment of people with disabilities and creating equal access to employment in an open, inclusive, and accessible labor market for individuals with disabilities.

Main Activities:

  1. Enhancing Employability: Improving the employability of people with disabilities through psychosocial support, career guidance, internships, and job market training.
  2. Promoting Entrepreneurship: Encouraging entrepreneurship among people with disabilities by ensuring equal access to capital, markets, technical assistance, and networks.
  3. Creating a Supportive Environment: Promoting a conducive environment for inclusive economic development for people with disabilities, including collaboration with employers, enhancing national and local policies, and supporting the wider public.

The project will be implemented at the national level, focusing on Belgrade, Subotica, Novi Sad, Zrenjanin, Valjevo, and Niš.

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