Youth with disabilities forum

Forum mladih sa invaliditetom | Youth with disabilities forum

Workshop: Career guidance for young people with disabilities – support for successful economic inclusion!

Association Youth with disabilities Forum invites teachers and professional associates of secondary schools to a workshop on the topic of career guidance and counseling of youth with disabilities. The training is intended for teachers and professional workers of career teams in secondary schools from the territory of Valjevo, Zrenjanin, Niš, Novi Sad, Subotica and Belgrade, but also for other teaching and professional staff who want to provide the best possible support to young people with disabilities in the education system.

Why is this workshop important?

Analyzes carried out by the association show that young people with disabilities most often work in jobs that are below their qualifications, it often happens that employers misperceive their work ability and give them a reduced workload and less demanding tasks. In addition, most of them work on temporary jobs, short-term or within the framework of public works and some project activities. For young people with disabilities, employment is not only one of the key mechanisms of social inclusion, as well as for young people in general, but also one of the most important fields for the affirmation of human rights and social justice.

Recognizing one’s own strengths and weaknesses, accepting disability, self-confidence and working on skills and talents are of key importance for the successful inclusion of young people with disabilities in the world of work, and thus personal happiness and satisfaction. On this path, adequate support from the educational system is of crucial importance!

Workshop topics:

Types of disability

Tips for communicating with people with different types of disabilities

What is adjustment of the workplace and work tasks?

Individual approach to people with disabilities

Date and time:

24.11. 2023 – Valjevo, 12:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m

28.11.2023. – Zrenjanin, 12:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m

30.11. 2023. – Niš, 12:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m

06.12. 2023 – Belgrade, 12:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m

08.12. 2023, – Novi Sad, 12:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m

13.12. 2023 – Subotica, 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m

Method of implementation:

Online (Link to the workshop will be provided to registered participants)

Register for the workshop:

In order to register for the workshop, you need to fill out a form with basic information: name and surname, contact email and phone, city, name of educational institution, job position. You can find the application form HERE.

The application deadline is the day before the workshop.

Additional questions and info

For any additional information, you can contact the program manager Tanja Radović Krstić, by email at, and by phone at 064 8917 579.

The workshop is being implemented within the project “Job Fit: Economic empowerment of persons with disabilities”, financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and implemented by the Youth with Disabilities Forum. Other partners in the project are Caritas of Serbia, Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation, Smart Kolektiv and the Center for Independent Living of Persons with Disabilities of Serbia.

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