Youth with disabilities forum

Forum mladih sa invaliditetom | Youth with disabilities forum

Director of the USAID mission in Serbia visited the career center for people with disabilities

Director of the mission of the American Agency for International Development (USAID) in Serbia, Dr. Brooke Isham, visited on Friday, October 20, 2023. Career center for people with disabilities in Belgrade.

On that occasion, Dr. Brooke Isham attended the Personal Development workshop and in a pleasant conversation with the users and employees of the Youth with Disabilities Forum, she got acquainted with the services offered by the career center.

Users shared their experiences about the job search process, as well as the challenges they face in the labor market. They also discussed what employers can do better to promote and implement inclusive employment.

Users openly spoke about how the services available to them at the Career Center influenced their empowerment and their professional aspirations.

After a sincere conversation, which was full of examples from personal experience, the participants took a photo together, in order to send a message to people with disabilities and employers to register on the employment portal and find each other.

The career center was opened as part of the project “Job Fit; Economic Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities”, financed by USAID, and implemented by the Youth with Disabilities Forum. Other partners in the project are Caritas of Serbia, Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation, Smart Kolektiv and the Center for Independent Living of Persons with Disabilities of Serbia.

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