The Youth with disabilities Forum realized 5 online workshops on the topic of career guidance and counseling of young people with disabilities. The workshops were attended by teachers and professional workers of career teams from the territory of Zrenjanin, Subotica and its surroundings, Belgrade, Valjevo and Niš, but the call was also open to other teaching and professional staff who want to provide the best possible support to young people with disabilities in the education system.
Analyzes carried out by the YDF show that young people with disabilities most often work in jobs that are below their qualifications, it often happens that employers misperceive their work ability and give them a reduced workload and less demanding tasks. For young people with disabilities, employment is not only one of the key mechanisms of social inclusion, as well as for young people in general, but also one of the most important fields for the affirmation of human rights and social justice.

At the workshop, teachers had the opportunity to learn more about the types of disabilities, the social model of approach to people with disabilities, as well as the individual approach in working with young people with disabilities.
Teachers and professional workers are invited to share their experiences in working with young people with disabilities and to participate in the discussion on how to support young people with disabilities in the education system, in order to make a successful transition from education to employment.