Youth with disabilities forum

Forum mladih sa invaliditetom | Youth with disabilities forum

YDF realized a workshop for employees of UniCredit Bank

As part of supporting employers through the Network of Employers for the Employment of Persons with Disabilities, the Youth with Disabilities Forum conducted a workshop for UniCredit Bank employees.

The workshop was held online on January 18, and was open to all interested employees of UniCredit Bank. The message YDF wanted to convey is that:

  • inclusion ensures equal opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in all aspects of society.
  • An inclusive working environment is one that is tailored to each of us and provides equal opportunities for everyone.
  • Creating an inclusive workplace culture takes time and commitment.

The Network of Employers for Employment of Persons with Disabilities was established by the YDF in early 2021, in order to provide companies with strategic support in their more active approach to long-term and sustainable employment of persons with disabilities.

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