Youth with disabilities Forum implemented training sessions for counselors to support people with disabilities in employment
In cooperation with Caritas of Serbia, the Youth with disabilities Forum implemented training sessions for
Forum mladih sa invaliditetom | Youth with disabilities forum
In cooperation with Caritas of Serbia, the Youth with disabilities Forum implemented training sessions for
As part of supporting employers through the Network of Employers for Employment of Persons with
As part of supporting employers through the Network of Employers for the Employment of Persons
In collaboration with Caritas Serbia, the Youth with Disabilities Forum successfully launched the second out
Facilitated by the Youth with Disabilities Forum in collaboration with Caritas Serbia, this initial module,
On Tuesday, May 9, 2023, in the sports center Dinamik, a wheelchair basketball game was
The Youth with Disabilities Forum announces a competition for the position of Counselor for the
On Monday, April 3, the Youth with Disabilities Forum signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with
On Wednesday, March 1, 2023, the Youth with Disabilities Forum held a media breakfast as
Napomena: Forum mladih sa invaliditetom sve podatke o ličnosti čuva u skladu sa Zakonom o
zaštiti podataka o ličnosti. Ove podatke Forum mladih sa invaliditetom koristiće u svrhe slanja
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